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Black Sapote Baked Custard with Blueberry Compote

Black Sapote Baked Custard with Blueberry Compote

Black Sapote Baked Custard with Blueberry Compote

Closely related to the Persimmon and native to Central America and Mexico, Black Sapote is often referred to as the Chocolate Pudding Fruit due to its resemblance to dark chocolate. However it is more suited to tropical climates. Black Sapote tastes delicious eaten as a dessert, in milkshakes, ice cream or as a replacement to chocolate due to its dark brown colour. Below we are sharing a quick and easy recipe for a Black Sapote baked custard with blueberry compote.

The Black Sapote fruit is green when picked. Wait about a week for it to ripen. When ripe, the flesh is dark brown to almost black and is soft and squishy to the touch. It has an almost bruised appearance. Further, a ripe Black Sapote has a beautiful creamy texture, similar to a ripe avocado and is sweet in flavour like a custard apple. Black Sapote has a low fat content. It is high in fibre and Vitamin C making it a great alternative to sweets. So have an open mind and try out this delicious fruit when available.

P.S. Alfalfa House Newtown does stock Black Sapote when available in season.

Use of Black Sapote In Food

Use Black Sapote in food and mostly in desserts. Here are few ways to use in different styles of desserts . (If you want to read more on this fruit, its cultural uses, harvesting etc we found this link with lots of useful info on the Black Sapote fruit. )

  • In the Philippines, the seeded pulp maybe served as a sweet treat often with milk or orange juice poured over it.
  • The Mexicans mash black Sapote pulp with orange juice to serve with whipped cream. Some times they also mix the pulp with wine, cinnamon and sugar to eat as a dessert.
  • Adding an acidic medium like lemon or lime juice to the pulp also makes a good filling for pies and pastry.
  • Churn the Black Sapote pulp with milk into ice cream
  • The people of Central America, ferment the fruit into a liqueur (tastes similar to brandy)
  • Bake this Black Sapote Bread (similar to a banana bread)

Now enjoy this Black Sapote custard Recipe here. The recipe and images courtesy of Sandra Clark, one of our members and volunteer

Black Sapote Baked Custard with Blueberry Compote

A delicious custard recipe using black Sapote served with a blueberry compote

  • 2 Saucepans
  • 2 Bowls
  • Fine Sieve
  • whisk
  • Wooden spoon
  • oven proof casserole dish or baking tray
  • glass pots or ceramic ramekins (ovenproof)
  • 1 whole black Sapote
  • 600 ml milk (any kind)
  • 1 vanilla pod (split lengthwise) or vanilla essence
  • 90 g rapadura sugar
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • 2 tbsp hot water
  • 5 medium egg yolks
  • 1 medium egg (whole)

For the Blueberry Compote

  • 350 g blueberries ((fresh or frozen))
  • 80 ml agave ((or sweetener of choice))
  • 1/2 medium lemon ((rind and juice))
  1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees C

  2. In a saucepan, heat milk with vanilla bean to boiling point, set aside.

  3. Cut black sapote in half, remove seed and scoop out flesh. Puree with a fork.

  4. In another saucepan heat rapadura sugar with the cold water until caramelised. Add the hot water to dilute the caramel. Put back on the heat and stir until smooth. Set aside

  5. Put the egg yolks and eggs in a bowl and slowly add the caramel. Add black sapote then pour into milk. Pass through the mixture through a fine sieve.

  6. Pour mixture into glass pots and place in a casserole dish

  7. Half fill casserole with boiling water and cover with a lid or foil.

  8. Cook for 25 mins or until just set. Leave in the hot water for 5 mins before refrigerating.

For the Blueberry Compote

  1. Place half the blueberries and the rest of the compote ingredients in a saucepan

  2. Bring to boil and cook for 8 minutes

  3. Remove from heat and add rest of blueberries.

  4. Serve with blueberry compote or fresh strawberries

• Use leftover egg whites in omelettes or in biscuits

black sapote, recipes